So baby girl arrived on October 27, 2016. From someone who travels a lot, spends time with friends every chance I get and enjoys a cold one- the last four and a half months have been rough. Not because she has been a difficult child or that the majority my friends have not been supportive, but my life has moved to work, get a babysitter so I can work some more, sleep, play with the baby in the evening and sometimes see my friends. I have felt guilty about getting a babysitter on weekends or evenings because I want to make sure she feels loved and not passed off to other people all the time. Now I know that it is better for parents to have that time away, trust me, I teach it to prospective foster parents but when you are in the throws of life and working 87 hours in 2 weeks (all during her wake hours) taking more time away from her doesnt seem fair.
A male friend of mine said something to me a couple months ago on one of those rare nights I got to go out (it was cut short because she got the flu and I had to come home and be thrown up on all night) but as I was venting to him about not having a moment to myself, he said “but you signed up for this, right?” I signed up for this. Lets take a moment to let that digest. One, way to make me feel guilty for my feelings. Two, yes I did sign up for this but it doesn’t mean I don't deserve some me time. You can't be there for other people if you are so burnt out and can't take care of yourself. That’s cardnial rule of caregiving. So I am here to tell you it’s okay to take a little time away. It doesnt make you a bad parent. Reminding yourself of that is the first step and then do it.
So I am taking my advice. Telling my friend to shut up. I did sign up for this and I can’t imagine not having baby girl in my home. But this jet setting momma needs a break and I am taking time away. Baby girl will be staying with my parents this weekend while I sprint and I mean full run to the airport to spend 48 hours in Vegas. No responsibilities, no putting someone else's happiness and needs first, 48 hours of me time and boy bands :).
**I wrote this post on the plane to Vegas. It has been 48 hours and I am finally home. Getting my girl after daycare tomorrow and it can’t get here soon enough.
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