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Showing posts from 2021

A lot has changed in four years......

I forgot how much I missed blogging and sharing my journey and stories. A LOT has changed in the last four years and over the course of the summer, we are for sure going to dive deep into the mental health all these changes have had.  To say I have went through a lifetime of changes in a short amount of time would be an understatement. So with a new blog title as I am officially a forever mom and this is now more than just foster care, it is time to kick things back off.  So here we go...... Since my last post May 2017, we reunified my second foster daughter (there was a brief single mom with two under two), I reconnected with a high school friend, reunified my first foster daughter, took my third foster daughter home from the hospital, got pregnant, got engaged, learned my baby may need surgery as soon as he was born, had weekly ultrasounds, bought a house, had a baby (no surgery was needed!), sold a house, reunified our third foster daughter,  got married, gained a step...