It’s interesting. As I lay in bed next to the pack n play on our families yearly Tennessee trip (that always starts on Mother’s Day), I can’t help but reflect about what this day means now that I am a foster mother. As I lay in bed at 6:50am scrolling through Facebook I come across this “Motherhood challenge”. Now please do not get me wrong, I am so envious and happy for those who are able to post pictures of their pregnancy, the day they first became a mother and a picture of the child now. That is so cool! But my journey to motherhood wasn’t that simple and could change at a moment’s notice. It makes me question do I really have a right to celebrate this day as a mother? Foster moms get the short end of the stick. They get a call for a child and must react. They quickly find child care if they are working full time and within 24 hours of placement are back to work. They learn to live life on 3 hours of sleep, work 40 hours and raise children who are not their own. ...